.. currentmodule:: xgcm What's New =========== v0.9.0 (unreleased) ------------------- .. _whats-new.0.9.0: New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Breaking Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internal Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ v0.8.1 (2022/11/22) ------------------- .. _whats-new.0.8.1: New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Breaking Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internal Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Rewrote cumsum to use a different code path from :py:func:`~xgcm.apply_as_grid_ufunc` internally, which makes it less susceptible to subtle bugs like the one reported in :issue:`507`. (:pull:`558`). By `Thomas Nicholas `_. Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Improved error message to suggest rechunking to a single chunk when trying to perform disallowed operations along chunked core dims. By `Thomas Nicholas `_. Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Fix bug where chunked core dims of only a single chunk triggered errors. (:pull:`558`, :issue:`518`, :issue:`522`) By `Thomas Nicholas `_. v0.8.0 (2022/06/14) ------------------- .. _whats-new.0.8.0: New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Addition of logarithmic interpolation to transform (:pull:`483`). By `Jonathan Thielen `_. Breaking Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internal Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Switching code linting to the pre-commit.ci service (:pull:`490`). By `Julius Busecke `_. Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fix 'suggest edits' button in docs (:pull:`512`, :issue:`503`). By `Julius Busecke `_. Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Fix formatting of the CITATION.cff file (:pull:`500`). By `Julius Busecke `_. - Fix bug with cumsum when data chunked with dask. (:pull:`415`, :issue:`507`) By `Thomas Nicholas `_. v0.7.0 (2022/4/20) ------------------- .. _whats-new.0.7.0: New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Turn numpy-style ufuncs into grid-aware "grid-ufuncs" via new functions :py:meth:`~xgcm.grid_ufunc.apply_as_grid_ufunc` and :py:meth:`~xgcm.grid_ufunc.as_grid_ufunc`. (:pull:`362`, :issue:`344`) By `Thomas Nicholas `_. - Padding of vector fields for complex topologies via a dictionary-like syntax has been added (:pull:`459`). By `Julius Busecke `_. Breaking Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Removed the ``extrapolate`` boundary option (:pull:`470`). By `Thomas Nicholas `_. Internal Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - All computation methods on the `Grid` object are now re-routed through :py:meth:`~xgcm.grid_ufunc.apply_as_grid_ufunc`. By `Thomas Nicholas `_. Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Switch to pangeo-book-scheme (:pull:`482`). By `Julius Busecke `_. - Add CITATION.cff file (:pull:`450`). By `Julius Busecke `_. v0.6.1 (2022/02/15) ------------------- .. _whats-new.0.6.1: Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Switch RTD build to use mamba for increased speed and reduced memory useage (:pull:`401`). By `Julius Busecke `_. Internal Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Switch CI to use mamba (:pull:`412`, :issue:`398`). By `Julius Busecke `_. - Add deprecation warnings for future changes in the API (:issue:`409`,:pull:`411`). By `Julius Busecke `_. v0.6.0 (2021/11/03) ------------------- .. _whats-new.0.6.0: New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - :py:meth:`~xgcm.grid.Grid.set_metrics` now enables adding metrics to a grid object (:pull:`336`, :issue:`199`). By `Dianne Deauna `_ under the `SIParCS internship `_. - :py:meth:`~xgcm.grid.Grid.get_metric` refactored, and now incorporates :py:meth:`~xgcm.grid.Grid.interp_like` to allow for automatic interpolation of missing metrics from available values on surrounding positions (:pull:`345`, :pull:`354`). By `Dianne Deauna `_.[*]_ - :py:meth:`~xgcm.grid.Grid.set_metrics` enables overwriting of previously assigned metrics to a grid object, and allows for multiple metrics on the same axes (must be different dimensions) (:pull:`351`, :issue:`199`). By `Dianne Deauna `_.[*]_ - :py:meth:`~xgcm.grid.Grid.interp_like` enables users to interpolate arrays onto the grid positions of another array, and can specify boundary conditions and fill values (:issue:`234` , :issue:`343`, :pull:`350`). By `Dianne Deauna `_.[*]_ - Better input checking when creating a grid object avoids creating grid positions on dataset coordinates which are not 1D (:issue:`208`, :pull:`358`). By `Julius Busecke `_. .. [*] under the `SIParCS internship ` Breaking Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Drop support for Python 3.6 (:issue:`360`, :pull:`361`). By `Julius Busecke `_. Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added documentation on boundary conditions (:issue:`273`, :pull: `325`) By `Romain Caneill `_. - Updated metrics documentation for new methods in `Grid Metrics `_. By `Dianne Deauna `_.[*]_ Internal Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed metrics tests so some tests that previously did not run now do run, and refactored the metrics tests. By `Tom Nicholas `_.[*]_ - Enabled type checking on the repository with mypy. By `Tom Nicholas `_.[*]_ - Removed dependency on docrep, which as docrep 2.7 used a GPL licence, implicitly changed the license of xGCM. Therefore xGCM now has a valid MIT license, instead of accidentally being a GPL licence as it was before. (:issue:`308`, :pull:`384`) By `Tom Nicholas `_.[*]_ Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The `keep_coords` kwarg is now deprecated, and will be removed in the next version. (:issue:`382`) By `Tom Nicholas `_.[*]_ v0.5.2 (2021/5/27) ------------------- .. _whats-new.0.5.2: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Raise more useful errors when datasets are provided as arguments to grid.transform (:pull:`329`, :issue:`328`). By `Julius Busecke `_. Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Updated Realistic Data examples in `Transforming Vertical Coordinates `_ (:pull:`322`) By `Dianne Deauna `_.[*]_ - Migrated model example notebooks to `xgcm-examples `_ which integrates with `pangeo gallery `_ (:pull:`294`) By `Julius Busecke `_. v0.5.1 (2020/10/16) ------------------- .. _whats-new.0.5.1: Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Add support for older numba versions (<0.49) (:pull:`263`, :issue:`262`). By `Navid Constantinou `_. v0.5.0 (2020/9/28) ------------------ .. _whats-new.0.5.0: New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - :py:meth:`~xgcm.grid.Grid.transform` and :py:meth:`~xgcm.grid.Axis.transform` now enable 1-dimensional coordinate transformation (:pull:`205`, :issue:`222`). By `Ryan Abernathey `_ and `Julius Busecke `_. Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - More reliable handling of missing values in :py:meth:`Grid.average`. Missing values between data and metrics do not have to be aligned by the user anymore. (:pull:`259`). By `Julius Busecke `_. - Remove outdated `example_notebooks` folder (:pull:`244`, :issue:`243`). By `Nikolay Koldunov `_ and `Julius Busecke `_. .. _whats-new.0.5.0: v0.4.0 (2020/9/2) ------------------------- New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Support for keeping compatible coordinates in most Grid operations (:issue:`186`). By `Aurélien Ponte `_. - Support for specifying default ``boundary`` and ``fill_value`` in the :py:class:`Grid` constructor. Default values can be overridden in individual method calls (e.g. :py:meth:`Grid.interp`) as usual. By `Deepak Cherian `_. Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fix for parsing fill_values as dictionary (:issue:`218`). By `Julius Busecke `_. Internal Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Complete refactor of the CI to github actions (:issue:`214`). By `Julius Busecke `_. .. _whats-new.0.4.0: v0.3.0 (31 January 2020) ------------------------- This release adds support for `model grid metrics `_ , bug fixes and extended documentation. Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Support for 'grid-aware' average and cumsum using :py:class:`~xgcm.Grid.average` and :py:class:`~xgcm.Grid.cumsum` (:issue:`162`). By `Julius Busecke `_. - Support for 'grid-aware' integration using :py:class:`~xgcm.Grid.integrate` (:issue:`130`). By `Julius Busecke `_. Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fix for broken stale build (:issue:`155`). By `Julius Busecke `_. - Fixed bug in handling of grid metrics. (:issue:`136`). By `Ryan Abernathey `_. - Fixed bug in :py:class:`~xgcm.Grid.derivative` (:issue:`132`). By `Timothy Smith `_. Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added docs for :py:class:`~xgcm.Grid.derivative` (:issue:`163`) By `Timothy Smith `_. - Add binderized examples (:issue:`141`). By `Ryan Abernathey `_. - Simplify example notebooks (:issue:`140`). By `Ryan Abernathey `_. - Execute example notebook during doc build (:issue:`138`). By `Ryan Abernathey `_. - Added contributor guide to docs (:issue:`137`). By `Julius Busecke `_. Internal Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added GitHub Action to publish xgcm to PyPI on release (:issue:`170`). By `Anderson Banihirwe `_. - Reorganized environment names for CI (:issue:`139`). By `Julius Busecke `_. - Added automatic code formatting via `black `_ (:issue:`131`). By `Julius Busecke `_. v0.2.0 (21 March 2019) ---------------------- Changes not documented for this release v0.1.0 (13 July 2014) ---------------------- Changes not documented for this release Initial release.