Source code for xgcm.autogenerate

import xarray as xr

from xgcm.grid import Axis, raw_interp_function

[docs]def generate_axis( ds, axis, name, axis_dim, pos_from="center", pos_to="left", boundary_discontinuity=None, pad="auto", new_name=None, attrs_from_scratch=True, ): """ Creates c-grid dimensions (or coordinates) along an axis of Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset with gridinformation used to construct c-grid axis : str The appropriate xgcm axis. E.g. 'X' for longitudes. name : str The name of the variable in ds, providing the original grid. axis_dim : str The dimension of ds[name] corresponding to axis. If name itself is a dimension, this should be equal to name. pos_from : {'center','left','right'}, optional Position of the gridpoints given in 'ds'. pos_to : {'left','center','right'}, optional Position of the gridpoints to be generated. boundary_discontinuity : {None, float}, optional If specified, marks the value of discontinuity across boundary, e.g. 360 for global longitude values and 180 for global latitudes. pad : {'auto', None, float}, optional If specified, determines the padding to be applied across boundary. If float is specified, that value is used as padding. Auto attempts to pad linearly extrapolated values. Can be useful for e.g. depth coordinates (to reconstruct 0 depth). Can lead to unexpected values when coordinate is multidimensional. new_name : str, optional Name of the inferred grid variable. Defaults to name+'_'+pos_to' attrs_from_scratch : bool, optional Determines if the attributes are created from scratch. Should be enabled for dimensions and deactivated for multidimensional coordinates. These can only be calculated after the dims are created. """ if not isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset): raise ValueError("'ds' needs to be xarray.Dataset") if new_name is None: new_name = name + "_" + pos_to # Determine the relative position to interpolate to based on current and # desired position relative_pos_to = _position_to_relative(pos_from, pos_to) # This is bloated. We can probably retire the 'auto' logic in favor of # using 'boundary' and 'fill_value'. But first lets see if this all works. if (boundary_discontinuity is not None) and (pad is not None): raise ValueError( "Coordinate cannot be wrapped and padded at the\ same time" ) elif (boundary_discontinuity is None) and (pad is None): raise ValueError( 'Either "boundary_discontinuity" or "pad" have \ to be specified' ) if pad is None: fill_value = 0.0 boundary = None periodic = True elif pad == "auto": fill_value = 0.0 boundary = "extrapolate" periodic = False else: fill_value = pad boundary = "fill" periodic = False kwargs = dict( boundary_discontinuity=boundary_discontinuity, fill_value=fill_value, boundary=boundary, position_check=False, ) ds = ds.copy() # For a set of coordinates there are two fundamental cases. The coordinates # are a) one dimensional (dimensions) or 2) multidimensional. These are # separated by the keyword attrs_from_scratch. # These two cases are treated differently because for each dataset we need # to recreate all a) cases before we can proceed to 2), hence this is # really the 'raw' data processing step. If we have working one dimensional # coordinates (e.g. after we looped over the axes_dims_dict, we can use the # regular xgcm.Axis to interpolate multidimensional coordinates. # This assures that any changes to the Axis.interp method can directly # propagate to this module. if attrs_from_scratch: # Input coordinate has to be declared as center, # or xgcm.Axis throws error. Will be rewrapped below. ds[name] = _fill_attrs(ds[name], "center", axis) ax = Axis(ds, axis, periodic=periodic) args = ds[name], raw_interp_function, relative_pos_to ds.coords[new_name] = ax._neighbor_binary_func_raw(*args, **kwargs) # Place the correct attributes ds[name] = _fill_attrs(ds[name], pos_from, axis) ds[new_name] = _fill_attrs(ds[new_name], pos_to, axis) else: kwargs.pop("position_check", None) ax = Axis(ds, axis, periodic=periodic) args = ds[name], pos_to ds.coords[new_name] = ax.interp(*args, **kwargs) return ds
[docs]def generate_grid_ds( ds, axes_dims_dict, axes_coords_dict=None, position=None, boundary_discontinuity=None, pad="auto", new_name=None, ): """ Add c-grid dimensions and coordinates (optional) to observational Dataset Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset with gridinformation used to construct c-grid axes_dims_dict : dict Dict with information on the dimension in ds corrsponding to the xgcm axis. E.g. {'X':'lon','Y':'lat'} axes_coords_dict : dict, optional Dict with information on the coordinates in ds corrsponding to the xgcm axis. E.g. {'X':'geolon','Y':'geolat'} position : {None,tuple, dict}, optional Position of the gridpoints given in 'ds' and the desired position to be generated. Defaults to ('center','left'). Can be a tuple like ('center','left'), or a dict with corresponding axes (e.g. {'X':('center','left'),'Z':('left','center')}) boundary_discontinuity : {None, float, dict}, optional Specifies the discontinuity at the boundary to wrap e.g. longitudes without artifacts. Can be defined globally (for all fields defined in axes_dims_dict and axes_coords_dict) {float, None} or per dataset variable (dict e.g. {'longitude':360,'latitude':180}) pad : {'auto', None, float}, optional Specifies the padding at the boundary to extend values past the boundary. Can be defined globally (for all fields defined in axes_dims_dict and axes_coords_dict) {float, None} or per dataset variable ({dict} e.g. {'z':'auto','latitude':0.0}) new_name : str, optional Name of the inferred grid variable. Defaults to name+'_'+position[1] """ if axes_coords_dict is not None: combo_dict = [axes_dims_dict, axes_coords_dict] else: combo_dict = [axes_dims_dict] for di, dd in enumerate(combo_dict): if di == 0: attrs_from_scratch = True infer_dim = False elif di == 1: attrs_from_scratch = False infer_dim = True for ax in dd.keys(): # Get variable name ax_v = dd[ax] # Get dimension name if infer_dim: ax_d = axes_dims_dict[ax] else: ax_d = ax_v # Parse position pos_from, pos_to = _parse_position(position, ax) # Pass wrap characteristics is_discontinous = _parse_boundary_params(boundary_discontinuity, ax_v) # Pass pad characteristics is_padded = _parse_boundary_params(pad, ax_v) ds = generate_axis( ds, ax, ax_v, ax_d, pos_from=pos_from, pos_to=pos_to, boundary_discontinuity=is_discontinous, pad=is_padded, new_name=new_name, attrs_from_scratch=attrs_from_scratch, ) return ds
def _parse_boundary_params(in_val, varname): """Parse boundary_discontinuity or pad parameters""" if isinstance(in_val, dict): try: is_valued = in_val[varname] except KeyError: # Set defaults is_valued = None else: is_valued = in_val return is_valued def _parse_position(position, axname, pos_default=("center", "left")): if isinstance(position, dict): try: pos_from = position[axname][0] except KeyError: pos_from = pos_default[0] try: pos_to = position[axname][1] except KeyError: pos_to = pos_default[1] elif isinstance(position, tuple): pos_from = position[0] pos_to = position[1] else: # Set defaults pos_from = pos_default[0] pos_to = pos_default[1] return pos_from, pos_to def _position_to_relative(pos_from, pos_to): """Translate from to positions in relative movement""" if (pos_from == "left" and pos_to == "center") or ( pos_from == "center" and pos_to == "right" ): to = "right" elif (pos_from == "center" and pos_to == "left") or ( pos_from == "right" and pos_to == "center" ): to = "left" elif pos_from == "center" and pos_to == "outer": to = "outer" elif pos_from == "center" and pos_to == "inner": to = "inner" else: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot infer '%s' coordinates \ from '%s'" % (pos_to, pos_from) ) return to def _fill_attrs(da, pos, axis): """Replace comdo attributes according to pos and axis""" attrs = da.attrs attrs["axis"] = axis if pos == "center": attrs.pop("c_grid_axis_shift", None) elif pos in ["left", "outer"]: attrs["c_grid_axis_shift"] = -0.5 elif pos in ["right", "inner"]: attrs["c_grid_axis_shift"] = 0.5 da.attrs = attrs return da